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Found 3 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    ...Modifications for improved Non-Amazon S3 service providers, primarily allowing for the correct download of attachments. Tested with Backblaze, Wasabi, DigitalOcean, iDrive, etc. Service Status ACP Dashboard widgets for Backblaze, DigitalOcean, and Wasabi. New Region Setting on S3 Storage Settings: If you are using DigitalOcean or Wasabi, toggle the new "set region" to on, enter the region you have set for your service, and save. If Invision Community displays a pop-up modal warning you that you are making changes and it will init a move process, choose the option stating I already moved the files. All this setting does is aid th...
  2. Version 4.1.0


    ...you include the extension="pci_PagesCatImages" within. If you are storing your PCI images on Amazon S3 or any other external server, that extension line ensures you are getting the correct url. Without that, the url generated will always point to your own webserver and externally-stored images will not be linked correctly. Why am I using this again? You can give every category its own image. Format it like an icon and stick it next to the category title in your templates. You could create a large section background for your categories using this image. And so on... Why $category->pcimage and not just $category->image? If I...
  3. Version 21.0.1


    ...eme names (useful for designers mode to figure out which theme is which in the file directory) S3 storage handlers display endpoint and directory structure in their listed names allowing you to actually tell the difference between various S3 entities. Your most online stat is ALWAYS being tracked, not just tracked when the stats widget is on a page on the front end! PM members from the member page! Member view tweaks including moving the tabs from the center to the left. PHPInfo link on the support page now fires off in a new tab/window instead of hijacking your ACP session. Core Software Upgrade Log view. IPS tr...
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