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  2. Waiting since January 17th, here. It seems like things are abandoned (but I don't *know* that). I guess the changes that Invision made to the Marketplace model simply doesn't warrant some third parties to continue supporting their products and innovating. Darn shame, too.
  3. When will my account be verified? 😞passed 2 months
  4. When my account is going to be verified? I am interested in the "Who Viewed Topic" app and I am waiting for days now to purchase the app.
  5. Every ones busy, when are my purchases going to be added to my account so i can access them. If you don't intend to continue as a developer, that's fine with me but let me know and will look at removing the apps and plugins and source else where. thank you
  6. I'm going to assume he's out. He's been on here and on IPS but isn't replying to any topics tagging him or replying to PMs here on there. For that reason, I'm out. Good luck in whatever you choose to do moving forward! Likewise to all his customers, best of luck with your sites!
  7. Geez, what the heck. I'm using the Members Online Today on two sites, but didn't get a chance to download it before it was removed from Marketplace and can't get it here either. I don't mind paying for these add-ons, but we have to have access to them and the ability to use them. Hoping everything is OK with @Scott, definitely seems strange he isn't answering any of these or verifying users to get access to his paid files. Looks like he hasn't been logged in since 12/28/2023, so hopefully he just went on a long holiday break! 🙂
  8. Verification done but still no access to my purchases, given up to be honest. Just hope I don’t get any issues with the plugins/applications.
  9. Oh I just PMed him too about my verification. Did you guys get yours?
  10. Many 3rd-party devs are navigating a strange space these days with the closure of the MP. And it's not just me. Missing comms, missed connections, I emailed you here but you are not there you are here instead so this is a week behind and etc... We're all getting up to speed on the new normal. Most of us are "missing" on the IPS boards as well. Most devs I know have stepped back from there - not necessarily intentionally, its just that "right now" there isn't much there for us. 4x is development EOL, there is no MP for us to submit to or support topics to keep up on, and we have no alpha/beta of 5x to yell about yet (though I am hop
  11. Scott


    Version 1.0.0


    Simple no-CPU-impact, full-page snowflakes, gently falling and swaying in the soft wind. Light-blue-ish. Install, and they are on for everyone, until you toggle the plugin off in the ACP or uninstall. If you want all the configurations made available to you and maybe let users toggle it on/off on the front end, make with the hew and cry and I'll grab a beer and code it out but that one will cost you a few bucks (once). Not mine, I'm just packaging it up for INVCOM 4x. MIT licensed: https://github.com/hcodes/snowflakes
  12. Yes, almost another month has gone by and I also have had no purchases added either. Whats up Scott?
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