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  2. Please, anyone out there? I was a paying customer on marketplace.
  3. I can't even create a two word user account. Stuck at the "All Astronauts" part. Been trying to contact someone here for nearly a year. Is this site really abandoned? Nothing good came from IPS closing the marketplace.
  4. Hi, I have been trying to get verified since last year. I have been using IPB continuously since v3 around 2008. I was a customer in the old marketplace but not worried about any of that. While your instructions are explicit and while I am on the latest version, it will not let me make a username that is two words IE: All Astronauts. I have tried email and "contact us" but never received a response. Hoping somebody sees this and can tell me what to do to get past this verification stage.
  5. Hi, I have been trying to get verified since last year. I have been using IPB continuously since v3 around 2008. I was a customer in the old marketplace but not worried about any of that. While your instructions are explicit and while I am on the latest version, it will not let me make a username that is two words IE: All Astronauts. I have tried email and "contact us" but never had response. Hoping somebody sees this and can tell me what to do to get past this verification stage.
  6. Edit: Checking the error log, it might rather be an IPS bug.
  7. I tried it out and it works fine. Uninstalling is not possible though. (white screen)
  8. Version 1.1.0


    Simple no-CPU-impact, full-page snowflakes, gently falling and swaying in the soft wind. Lots of configuration options including multiple colors. All users can toggle snowflakes on or off via option at bottom of all pages. Simple cookie set and read. If the toggle does not seem to work just refresh the page; probably a cookie set/unset/not-there quirk. Obvs if you have the 4x version just dump it. Not mine, I'm just packaging it up for INVCOM 5x. MIT licensed: https://github.com/hcodes/snowflakes
  9. Waiting since January 17th, here. It seems like things are abandoned (but I don't *know* that). I guess the changes that Invision made to the Marketplace model simply doesn't warrant some third parties to continue supporting their products and innovating. Darn shame, too.
  10. When will my account be verified? 😞passed 2 months
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