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  1. ...hire, under the licensable terms as presented on the file page. In broad terms: when you purchase a license for a file, you are purchasing my work to use on your single site, and any development sites (online or localhost), for the term presented. You may continue to use that version on those sites for as long as you like. For the active term of the license you are granted bug fixes, general support for that work, and the ability to download newer versions of the file if available. When your license expires you will need to pay for a license renewal fee which will allow you to download newer versions and receive the aforementioned support aga...
  2. ...increasing those prices at the same time. Just like I said above. Reminder: 4x things will not transfer to 5x. Everybody will need buy the new stuff. Given the relative nearness of initial 5x things the prices of all 4x premium stuff has been reduced....
  3. ...For File licenses, PayPal or Stripe - balance or credit cards. For developer work PayPal, bank transfer, crypto on-ask-first-basis (big-name coins only). No I do not want your NFTs. Anything else ask first. If your company works through an online payroll/payments processor that is fine as well as long as I can get set up on it (USA only) Note that I cannot and will not accept payments from Russia, Belarus, etc. due to the current financial sanctions in place. Any other places that fall under such purview as well. I'd rather not get notes from the feds please. Tough spot for some who are not on board with <gestures broadly&g...
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