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Found 14 results

  1. Version 20.0.1


    ...Tab, scroll to the bottom of the page: Set that to global and save. That will add group formatting to user links to 99% of what this plugin did years ago... So what does this plugin do now? This plugin just looks for the edge cases that new internal setting misses and tries to patch them up. Some are doable, others not. It now covers: Profile page header and member hovercards. Messenger conversation participants block. The messenger sidebar area is more or less out of bounds for name formatting. Those names appearing there are not template-output but constructed via the underlyi...
  2. Version 8.0.0


    ...Show a legend of your groups in the Who's Online and Recently Browsing widgets, sorted in the order you specify and linked to the search system. Handy so that people know what those group prefixes and suffixes mean. You choose which groups appear in the legend, and the order they will appear in, with the plugin settings in the ACP. Group links will carry any group formatting (colors, etc.) you may have set. Clicking the entries in the legend takes users to a list of all members with that group designation. This version is probably fine with 4.6.x but it's been awhile so try it and disable it if it doesn't work....
  3. Version 2.0.0


    ...gs by editing the widget after you place it on the page: Format user links according to the group color Names-only display option Number of users to show Choose which user groups will be able to view the block....
  4. Version 1.1.0


    ... gently falling and swaying in the soft wind. Lots of configuration options including multiple colors. All users can toggle snowflakes on or off via option at bottom of all pages. Simple cookie set and read. If the toggle does not seem to work just refresh the page; probably a cookie set/unset/not-there quirk. Obvs if you have the 4x version just dump it. Not mine, I'm just packaging it up for INVCOM 5x. MIT licensed: https://github.com/hcodes/snowflakes...
  5. Version 1.3.0


    ...e over the last 24 hours! All names link to user profiles Names can be plain or group formatted Font size adjustable via selectable IPS classes (ipsType_normal, medium, small) Set a maximum number of names displayed with any overages appended as a count. Actual count appears in the widget title. Widget usable anywhere. You can choose which member groups are allowed to see this widget. You can EXCLUDE specific member groups from displaying in this widget. Names can be sorted alphabetically or by latest visit to oldest visit (see notes). Coded for zero-impact on page loads! ...
  6. Version 21.0.1


    ...mmend Inter for pagetitles and Roboto for text) Header, primary, and secondary menu background colors fully configurable. Header, primary, and secondary menu font colors fully configurable. Change background color of message information and message warnings. Option for tighter table row spacing throughout to give you more content in the same vertical space. Page fade-in animation effect for ACP content for an app-like feel (quite subtle though) Active (currently selected) primary menu icon set at full opacity so you can tell it is actually active. Secondary menu options have mouse-over hover effect so you ca...
  7. Version 5.2.0


    ...Dev Mode on, Dev Mode off. Dev Mode on, Dev Mode off... Configurable on/off icons, alter the colors for the "in development mode" flaring on the left of the ACP, etc. But wait! There is also constants toggling on/off while IN_DEV! The only hitch is you must FIRST add the constants you use/want/need in to the constants.php file manually. A safer, more clean, experience all-around - otherwise I would have to prep every constant available and most of them no-one ever uses. Again, this toggle power is only while you are in Dev Mode. This is a dev tool; not a live site one. This was the first ACP flip-switch for dev mode. Prio...
  8. Version 1.3.2

    1 download

    ...e over the last 24 hours! All names link to user profiles Names can be plain or group formatted Font size adjustable via selectable IPS classes (ipsType_normal, medium, small) Set a maximum number of names displayed with any overages appended as a count. Actual count appears in the widget title. Widget usable anywhere. You can choose which member groups are allowed to see this widget. You can EXCLUDE specific member groups from displaying in this widget. Names can be sorted alphabetically or by latest visit to oldest visit (see notes). Coded for zero-impact on page loads! ...
  9. ...Yeah that's a strange one. Your member group has unlimited messages but was set at zero per minute sending. No idea... Feel free to start throwing them at me. As for the last week or two, unplanned car work - and those nice videos showing you how to do it in warm well provisioned garages with full lifts and clean cars does not match the experience of a frozen garage floor and grimy 20 year old 4x4....
  10. Version 8.0.0


    ...image carousel. You can choose to display either New Products or Featured Products and set the groups allowed to view the widget block. Featured store items are set in the Commerce app and that is where this block will pull from. When you edit a product, go to the store settings tab. The toggle to feature the item on the store index page is the one you want. New store items are a setting in Commerce that allows you to set the number of days back a product is considered "new" to the store and also the maximum number of items to falg as new. Whatever products fall under those settings will appear in the widget. Most si...
  11. Scott

    Online Status

    Version 1.0.0


    ...kept by numerous permissions. The badge is inserted within this structure. Typically, if the member group of a viewer allows them to report or share these comments/reviews/posts the badge will appear for them. Otherwise not. This gatekeeping may vary from app to app. If online status is vitally important to your community use one of the other two options. For all other 3rd-party applications, as long as they are using the built-in Invision Community commenting and reviews templates this will slot in seamlessly. Note this explicitly means they are using the LITERAL templates as provided in the Core application; called directly from the Co...
  12. Version 2.0.0

    1 download

    ...aded are loaded exactly as all other Invision Community ads are loaded, respecting dates available, groups that can view, and so on (this applies to all ads used in Ads Everywhere btw). Ads After X-Number Placing - Topics and Posts Don't feel like CSS targeting and just want ads all up in your forum topics and posts? Just like it sounds. Radio check-dots for selection of after numbers and away you go. It's that easy. NOTE: Forcing an ad after the last topic or post on a page is one of the first updates this application will get. If I keep adding features this would never get released... No worries - it'll happen (or you can ...
  13. Version 1.0.2


    ... you're not my supervisor. It gets the job done quite well. User MUST be in the administrators group to view this plugin. Do not install it, drag it onto a page with someone who has widget permissions but is not an administrator and expect to see the widget/s. Same if you are not logged in as an administrator. For each instance of the widget: Edit the widget's block configuration to enter your API key. API keys displayed in the widget or results modal will only show the first four characters for safety if you are using this in a public setting and someone glances over your shoulder and so on. Click the Configure API Ca...
  14. Version 3.0.2


    ...rums (sub-forum titles remain bolded when unread) NEW! Forums - Topics - append topic author's user group after author's name. Plain or formatted. ADD! A few new language strings to replace hard-coded text in settings. 1.2.0 ------------------------- UPDATE! Altered the breadcrumb hook. Home icon now inserted without replacing elements, home text removed via JS. UPDATE! Review stars now use the complete half-star icon instead of the default half and half-flipped approach. NEW! FA5 Pro licensed icons supported. FIX! Reverse Post Order in Topics setting when set to apply to all forums. FIX! Some sites do not ajax-load new pages of Forum t...
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