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  1. ...hen on top of that we have the same stuff for our OWN SITES: not something like this All Astronauts joint, but our very own community/s just like yours. This is going to be an excrement-ton of work - perhaps not on the individual item level, but take the full scope of what we have to actually do. Rotating tires on a car is not particularly time-consuming but if it is just you rotating the tires for an entire fleet of 18-wheelers... If you expect all of our public offerings to be 5x ready out of the gate for the 5x final initial release you are probably going to be disappointed. Things will change throughout the beta cycle and altho...
  2. ... providers can be slow to allow newer versions of PHP on their servers and that can conflict with updated Invision Community requirements (and this can also cut both ways where you may wish to remain on an older version of the IPS software but your host is forcing an incompatible upgrade). IPS requires the primary CRON process run every minute but some shared hosting providers limit you to two minutes, or even five minutes for your processes. Do they have all the extensions you require? Will they keep thing up to date? Remember this is broad-based hosting! They set a common target and whatever you are doing has to fit in to those r...
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