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  1. Reminder that only verified members can purchase/download premium files. Guests will not seen the link but registered members (Ground Control) and above will. Link is up top and cannot be missed. Add your site, your IPS profile link, and create an All Astronauts account on your site WITHOUT PASSWORD so I get the "set your password" email and that's that. Wait for me to check check it and that's it. See the verification link for all the details and thanks for making the Invision Community app-space more secure!
  2. ...Yeah that's a strange one. Your member group has unlimited messages but was set at zero per minute sending. No idea... Feel free to start throwing them at me. As for the last week or two, unplanned car work - and those nice videos showing you how to do it in warm well provisioned garages with full lifts and clean cars does not match the experience of a frozen garage floor and grimy 20 year old 4x4....
  3. ... (already have worked with) just keep it legal. Militia and affiliated mobs keep walking. Observant users who go through the motions of becoming verified here will spot why. 3) Internal corporate/non-internet accessible sites are fine too. Just talk to me and you'll have to do that to get verified anyways. Payments For File licenses, PayPal or Stripe - balance or credit cards. For developer work PayPal, bank transfer, crypto on-ask-first-basis (big-name coins only). No I do not want your NFTs. Anything else ask first. If your company works through an online payroll/payments processor that is fine as well ...
  4. ...everything is OK with @Scott, definitely seems strange he isn't answering any of these or verifying users to get access to his paid files. Looks like he hasn't been logged in since 12/28/2023, so hopefully he just went on a long holiday break! 🙂...
  5. ...herwise I would not have humped it over for you guys to use so grab it and annoy/amuse/placate your users!...
  6. ...1) No one renews. This was... not great. Ideally renewals are constant and end-users understand that the renewals provide support and further development and features but that never seems to be the case. Over the multi-year lifetime of an app/plugin in the IPS Marketplace, users never renewed unless they were absolutely required. That meant breaking-changes in Invision Community things forcing upgrades to compatible 3rd-party wares. IPS even experiences this with people skipping renewals for significant amounts of time and then punching upgrades years later (and I'm guilty of that as well for one rather static site of mine). If you ...
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