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All Astronauts

Many 3rd-party devs are navigating a strange space these days with the closure of the MP. And it's not just me.

Missing comms, missed connections, I emailed you here but you are not there you are here instead so this is a week behind and etc... We're all getting up to speed on the new normal. 

Most of us are "missing" on the IPS boards as well. Most devs I know have stepped back from there - not necessarily intentionally, its just that "right now" there isn't much there for us. 4x is development EOL, there is no MP for us to submit to or support topics to keep up on, and we have no alpha/beta of 5x to yell about yet (though I am hopeful for something before the year is out).

I still need to onboard a ton of people and get old purchases added. Yep yep yep.

As a small gift of contrition, get you some free seasonal snowflakes here - zero browser CPU impact, otherwise I would not have humped it over for you guys to use so grab it and annoy/amuse/placate your users!


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