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    s3 Confirm Email Address

Registration Emails and Support Emails


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All Astronauts

Looks like my direct-server emails were about 50/50 for acceptance rate which... not great. Email can be the biggest pain in the...

I flipped to SendGrid short term and re-sent any not-responded-to registration emails (and SendGrid is working fine, I got the test emails from the ACP). Longer term I'll move emails over to MXroute which, frankly, is awfully inexpensive and bullet-proof; created and ran by someone who gives a damn and is focused on server folks like us. Another option if you need a cheap/free service is smtp2go

Speaking of which, I haven't received any registration emails from your end either (for my verification stuff). Granted, I know pretty much all of you registering now so I could verify you manually, but if you have set up an account for me, I haven't gotten those emails just like you haven't mine. Might want to poke that bear...

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